Nov 17, 2014
Raw Caramel Pecan Pie
ingredients: (Pecan Crust) 1 cup Pecans OR Pecan Butter 1/2 cup coconut flakes 1 cup medjool dates, pitted pinch Pure...
Nov 11, 2014
3-Layered Cacao-Avocado Ganache Pecan Pie
ingredients: (Cake Layers) 1 cup Pecans OR Pecan Butter 1 cup Almonds OR Almond Butter 1 cup medjool dates, pitted p...
Nov 10, 2014
Creamy Cacao Mousse Pie with Pecan Crust
OOOOOOHWHEEE! Dig in! Dig it!! ingredients: (Pecan Crust) 1 cup medjool dates, pitted 1 cup Pecans or Pecan Butter pi...
Nov 6, 2014
Reishi Power Orbs!
ingredients: 3/4 cup Cacao Paste, gently melted 3/4 cup Cacao Powder, reserved for dusting 2 T Maca Powder 1 1/2 cup...
Oct 30, 2014
Almond Caramel Fudge Cacao Dreamin' Pie
ingredients: (Almond Caramel Fudge) 4 T Almond Butter 1 cup medjool dates, pitted pinch Pure Vanilla Powder, sea salt...
Oct 14, 2014
Creamy Cacao Bliss Pie
(Crust) 1 cup oats, buckwheat groats, or Almonds 1/2 cup Pecans or Pecan Butter 1 cup medjool dates, pitted Pure Van...
Oct 3, 2014
Berry Intense Chocolate Pie!
(Crust) 2 cups nuts: Almonds, Cashews, Pecans 1 cup medjool dates, pitted pinch Pure Vanilla Powder, sea salt, cinna...
Sep 29, 2014
Lemon-Ginger Pecan Chz Cake
Striking a perfect balance between spicy and sweet, this autumnal pie is perfect for adjusting to the end of summer a...
Sep 22, 2014
Dreamin' Raw Pecan Ice Cream
ingredients: 1 cup medjool dates, pitted 1 cup Pecans + 1/2 cup chopped for topping 1/2 cup nut milk + 1/2 cup water...
Aug 18, 2014
Raw Honey Nut Brittle
Aug 1, 2014
Chocolate Caramel Mulberry Tart
ingredients: (Pecan Crust) 1/2 cup Pecans 1/2 cup coconut flakes or shreds pinch Pure Vanilla Powder, cinnamon, sea...
Jun 22, 2014
4 Layers of Love Candy Bars (Raw)
TIS TRUE!! Check this out.. each layer with its own glorious distinct texture.. together, a creamy, healthy treat!!