Reishi Power Orbs!
ingredients: 3/4 cup Cacao Paste, gently melted 3/4 cup Cacao Powder, reserved for dusting 2 T Maca Powder 1 1/2 cups medjool dates, pitted 1/2 cup Cacao Nibs, reserved 3/4 coconut flakes 1 cup Cashews or Cashew Butter 1 cup Raw Pecans, reserve 1/2 (coarsely chopped) pinch Pure Vanilla Powder, cinnamon 3/4 cup liquid to blend: Strong Reishi Tea* OR Nut Milk to create: 1. Blend all ingredients with a little bit of liquid except 1/2 Pecans and Cacao Nibs. 2. Scoop mixture into a bowl, mix in reserved ingredients, roll into spheres, dust with Cacao..repeat..repeat.. repeat..SHARE..and..EAT! :D FEEL THE POWA!