Berry Intense Chocolate Pie!
(Crust) 2 cups nuts: Almonds, Cashews, Pecans 1 cup medjool dates, pitted pinch Pure Vanilla Powder, sea salt, cinnamon (Chocolate Action) 6 oz. Raw Cacao Paste + 2 T raw honey, melted in a double boiler 1 cup medjool dates, pitted 1/2 cup Cashew Butter 1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Powder 4 T Almond Butter (optional) nut milk or water to blend to consistency (Very Berry) blueberries, salmonberries, raspberries, wineberries, or black cap raspberries to top! to create: 1. Blend all Crust ingredients together in a food processor and press into a parchment-lined pie pan. 2. Blend all Chocolate Action ingredients together, pour on top of Crust, top with berries, and chill in freezer. 3. Carefully slice a piece for every smiling glow in the room, and enjoooooooooy with a side of relaxing music.
1 comment
This looks so amazing! Bursting with nut butters & no refined sugar… I’m making it ASAP