Don't be freakin' about avocados in frosting….they are a key ingredient for these incredibly indulgent, but seriously healthy prime bites!! (Chia Chocolate Cupcakes) 1/2 cup Raw Almonds OR Almond Butter 1/2 cup Cashews OR Cashew Butter 3/4 cup medjool dates 3 T Raw Cacao Powder, Chia Seeds pinch Pure Vanilla Powder a little water or (nut) milk to blend (Avocado-Buttercream Frosting) 1/2 cup Raw Cacao Paste 2 ripe avocados 2 T raw honey 2 T Coconut Oil pinch Pure Vanilla Powder to create: 1. In a food processor, blend medjool dates to create a paste. 2. Add all other Chia Chocolate Cupcake ingredients and blend till smooth. 3. Line cupcake/muffin tins with a little parchment to cover the bottom and sides. 4. Scoop "batter" evenly in parchment-lined muffin tins. Set in freezer for at least 45 minutes to harden. 5. In a double boiler, gently melt cacao paste with honey, coconut oil, and a pinch of vanilla. 6. In a food processor, blend avocados with chocolate mixture until smooth, creamy, and there are no lil green bits left. 7. With a butter knife, spread the frosting on top of the muffins, and CHOW DOWN! or put in freezer/fridge until ready to be served. 8. LIVE ON!