Lemon Coconut Cream Pie
ingredients: (Crust) 1 cup Raw Almonds 1 cup medjool dates 1 cup kasha or raw buckwheat pinch Pure Vanilla Powder, sea salt (Lemon-Coconut Cream Filling) 2 cups Coconut Flakes 1 1/2 cup Cashews OR Cashew Butter 1 cup milk o' choice 1 cup lemon juice, fresh squeezed 1 T Camu Camu Powder 2 T maple syrup or raw honey pinch Pure Vanilla Powder, sea salt (optional) for topping: Goji Berries, Coconut, Cashews, lemon zest to create: 1. Blend all crust ingredients in a food processor. Press into a parchment-lined pie pan or a spring-form cake pan. Set in freezer. 2. Blend Lemon-Coconut Cream Pie Filling ingredients until thoroughly blended and creamy. Add a little water if necessary to thin it out…those Cashews are meaty! 3. Spread evenly over crust, top with Goji Berries, Cashews, Pure Vanilla Powder, and Coconut Shreds. Set in freezer for at least 2 hours. 4. Slice it up and SPREAD THE LOVE! Suuuuper refreshing for a summer dessert! Let the breeze blow all of your worries away :D [caption id="attachment_1062" align="alignnone" width="700"]