Hot Chocolate Heart-Warmer: Volume I
Hot Chocolate: Volume I is a super delicious, light cacao-infused drink that is spiked with our Pure Vanilla Powder and instantly warming and comforting. It is still raw, as we gently warmed it up in a double boiler before slurping it down in our favorite mugs! serves 2 ingredients: 3 cups mylk (almond, cashew, pumpkin seed, hemp, cow, etc.) **DIY with our Nut Milk Making Kit!** 4 T Cacao Powder pinch Pure Vanilla Powder sweetener to taste to create: 1. Whisk all ingredients until smooth in a double boiler (or just in a pot, you decide!). 2. Gently bring to a simmer. Add sweetener (or not) to taste and turn off heat. Pour into your favorite mug.. 3. Put on your slippers and get cozy!! You've got the powa!