ingredients: Cookie 1 cup Almonds or Almond Butter 1 cup medjool dates, pitted 3 T Cacao Powder 1/2 cup Cacao Nibs (reserve and mix in by hand) pinch sea salt and Pure Vanilla Powder Salted Maca Caramel 1 cup medjool dates, pitted 2 heaping T Maca Powder pinch Pure Vanilla Powder and sea salt nut milk or H2O to blend Almonds, for garnish to create: 1. Blend all Cookie ingredients in a food processor (except nibs). Incorporate nibs by hand. 2. Form "cookie dough" by hand into lil cookie patties... and set in freezer while you make the Caramel! 3. Blend all Maca Caramel ingredients and top cookies with the sticky, sweet glory! 4. Top each cookie with an almond and set in freezer until ready to chow down! These are energy bars hiding as a sweet dessert..take a bite and.. BLAST OFF!