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Bar-B-Chia Burgers!

Bar-B-Chia Burgers!

Chia seeds provide prime emulsification in this versatile vegan burger recipe... ready for the BB-er..C! Rice....Beans... Seaweed...a complete amino-acid summer grooooove! NOTE: THIS BURGER IS SUPREMELY ENHANCED WITH THE ADDITIONAL DELIGHT OF NASTURTIUM BLOSSOMS!!

Makes ~10 burgers
3 cups brown rice, 3 cups black or pinto beans, cooked
1/2 cup Chia Seeds, powdered
3 T wakame seaweed, soaked and drained
1 onion, minced
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 zucchini or summer squash, grated
2 T tamari, shoyu or soy sauce
1 tsp thyme, oregano, cumin, ginger
fresh chives, parsley, nasturtium blossoms!
to create:
1. Slightly mash the beans to desired texture with a fork, mix thoroughly with rice, using your hands.
2. Saute onions and garlic in Coconut Oil or Butter and shoyu/soy sauce/tamari until translucent.. about 10 minutes.
3. Add onions and garlic to rice and bean mixture. Incorporate Almonds or Almond Butter, herbs, spices, grated zucchini or summer squash.
4. Preheat oven to 350 F.
5. Form uniform patties, and cook until crisp on the outside and warmed throughout. Approximately 30 minutes. You can also fry them up with some additional coconut oil for an instant, delicious Bar-B-C Experience!
6. Love.
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