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Chocolate Hazelnut Mango Coconut Pie

Chocolate Hazelnut Mango Coconut Pie

Chocolate Hazelnut Mango Coconut Pie may be a mouthful....that you need to experience! This pie is inspired by the Raw Pie Mandala Goddess herself, Julia Corbett, in her (un)cookbook Sweet & Raw Pie Mandalas--Superfood Nutrient-Rich Delectable Desserts (Mango Cream and Chocolate Pie, page 106). You can check out her incredibly beautiful work here, support the arts, the tastebuds, and the wondrous world of healthy, wholesome, and nourishing desserts! For the soul, mind, spirit, body.. to share! Surprisingly light, this pie will wow ALL the peeeeeps!

(Coconut Crust)
2 cups coconut flakes
2 T raw honey
1/4 cup Oregon Hazelnuts, roasted or raw
(Mango Layer)
2 mangoes, scoop out allllll the fruit!
1/4 cup raw honey
pinch Himalayan Sea Salt
(Chocolate Frosting)
~1/2 bag Cacao Paste (100g)
1/4 cup raw honey
roasted Oregon Hazelnuts, chopped
to create: 
1. Blend all Coconut Crust ingredients in a food processor to form a dough... stick your nose in the top as it blends...
2. Press into the bottom of a pie plate. Chill (both of y'all!)
3. Blend Mango Layer ingredients until thoroughly smooth. Pour on top of crust. Chill.
4. Using a double boiler, gently melt cacao with honey and Coconut Butter or Oil until melted uniformly. Pour on top of mango layer.
5. Sprinkle with roasted Oregon Hazelnuts... and.. MANDALA IT UP! Berries (I used Goji berries, strawberries, and blueberries..coconut flakes....YUMMM)
6. SHARE! Celebrate summer! Celebrate life!!
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