3 sheets nori for 3 large "crackers" that can be broken up later
1 cup Cashews, soaked overnight or 1/2 jar Cashew Butter
OR 1 cup Almonds, soaked overnight or 1/2 jar Almond Butter
1/2 red bell pepper
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1 T smoked paprika
1 tsp. cumin, curry powder
2 T dulse seaweed or kelp flakes/powder
dash hot sauce
himalayan sea salt to top
to create:
1. Blend all ingredients in a blender or food processor until thoroughly mixed.
2. Place nori sheets on top of dehydrator trays, and spread mixture atop each sheet.
3. Freshly grind sea salt on top.
4. Dehydrate for 8 hours, or until thoroughly dry and crunchy. Break/carefully cut into individual crackers.