1 cup Raw Almond Butter or Almonds, soaked
1 cup brazil nuts, soaked
1/2 cup celery, sweet onion
1 T kelp or dulse, powdered
1 tsp. tamari or shoyu, nutritional yeast
pinch sea salt, smoked paprika
water to mix
1/2 cup Cashews or Cashew Butter
2 T Chia Seeds, blended
1 tsp. smoked paprika, sea salt, black pepper
1 T nutritional yeast
to create:
1. Blend Base until thoroughly mixed. Set aside.
2. Blend Coating until crumbly. Set aside.
3. Form Base into prisms or cubes, coat in Cashew crumbles, and set on dehydrator tray.
4. Repeat, repeat, repeat…dehydrate for 6 hours or until crunchy on outside.. Then, rep-EAT!!