Raw Caramel Coated Honeycrisp Apples
ingredients: Caramel: 1/4 dates, pitted 2 T Coconut Oil, melted pinch sea salt, Mesquite Powder, cinnamon Nut Topping: Raw Pecan Pieces or Raw Hazelnuts Cacao Drippings: 3 T Cacao Paste 2 T honey or maple syrup 2 T Raw Almond Butter, Cashew Butter, Hazelnut Hempspread, or Pecan Butter 2 T Coconut Oil, melted to create: 1. Slice a fresh Honeycrisp. 2. Blend Caramel ingredients together. Dip slices into Caramel! 3. Roll in some chopped Pecans for good measure. 4. Drip some of that glorious Cacao Fudge Syrup on top...... OH MY..YES!