1 cup Wilderness Poets Raw Almonds (truly unpasteurized)
2 cups water
1 tsp. Pure Vanilla Powder
1 T Maple Crystals (sweeten to taste)
to create:
1. Soak almonds for 24 hours.. or while you're snoozin'.
2. (optional) Rinse almonds out 2-3x/day for 1-2 days to initiate germination
3. Rinse almonds one more time, put in blender with water, Vanilla powder, and Maple Crystals.
4. Strain out in one of our Nut Milk Bags (check it out here!), cheese cloth, or press in a french press!
5. GET CREATIVE! Use your fresh almond milk straight up as a bevvy, infuse soups, porridge, AlmondMilk shakes.....YUM....and..SAVE THE PULP! Recipes to follow.
(Think: crackers, pancake infusions)